Digital PaintingChance Series

The Project:

My youngest son has a deep love for art. While free-hand drawing may not be his strongest skill—something we share—his passion for creativity is unparalleled. Among his many creations are charming stick-figure characters that, while simple, capture his unique spirit and bring so much joy to our family. He draws these over and over and over.

Inspired by his art, I began digitally recreating his drawings to practice my abstract techniques. I start each piece with an abstract background and then layer on a central figure and details. This process enables me to explore new mediums, colors, and styles while staying consistent.

So far, I’ve recreated a handful of his characters—a person, a dog, a snail, a monster, and our family—and I have dozens more of his drawings scanned and ready to be transformed. I love infusing imagination into art and seeing his drawings live on.


Eclectic Austin Nursery


Longhorn Fashions